Sunday, December 30, 2012

Lego House

"im gonna pick up the pieces, and build a lego house.
When things go wrong we can knock it down."

starting this post with a random out of the blue picture if my dinner with the clique @ marche. A virgin experience for all of us. It was good meeting all of them after so long, & everyone was present! :-) so nice of the girls to get each other gifts/handmade stuffs. Lurb lurb. <3

ok sorry for the messy post, i cant seem to press enter after the marche pic. x.x

So my family & i got up early to go to Lego Land @ Malaysia to get our annual passes done. It was a freaking scorching hot weather & a slight really slight drizzle which was almost nothing. & me & my sister wasnt dressed for the occasion hahaha so yeah we look quite cui, I blame my dad for not letting me wear shorts. Ended up super sweaty & looking damn old -.- 
My parents were scardy cats & didnt ride any rides at all.......... i have no idea why they bought annual passes. Me & sis only rode one ride HAHAHA which was chicken feed. & played a super fun but childish game, some shoot-at-the-light game with the shooting gun to earn points haha! & the queue for the dare-devil ride was super long so we gave up. ): 
Spent half a day in Malaysia & im amazed at how near Malaysia actually is to Singapore. & we got to eat a scrumptious lunner @ a hongkong cafe that serves THE BEST soup ever. Im crazy about soups so ya impress me. Ok picture time!!! 

Friday, December 28, 2012


Christmas gathering @ debi's 
WOOHOO just got $50+ today from sales but gonna spend them all soon......... ):

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Mistletoe :-)

HEHEHE listening to the cover that Erica made for me weeks ago, so sweet of her <3
which is mistletoe of course, we kinda tried harmonising to it hahahaha all fun & laugher, peace & joy.

MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS! :-) hope everyone had a great one; whether we actually feel the Christmas spirit is another thing.

After i touched down in Singapore, we were like some hyper naked molerat (like in Kim Possible), unpack, wash up, then headed to Geylang for seafood!!!! Ended up eating food fit for the king really, SO DELICIOUS BEYOND WORDS. Best seafood ive had so far. & i also realised that all the best food comes from like hidden recipes from ulu hawker centres, they're like treasures, only the good ones are worth it or you'll end up with some lousy imitation/ bad tummy ache. So happy to be back, missed my bed, shower, friends, & my bao bei guitar woohoo!

On Christmas eve, got to meet swa to swim at the sports hub, first time there & well...... cant say much about it cause we only spend like a few hours there 10% swimming 90% floating HAHA! Although we didnt spend much time together, it was good meeting him after so long & ive missed him so much! Also got to drink once upon a milkshake, our used-to-be hang out spot.

Christmas Day, went jogging in the morning trying to lose all the weight i'd gain from the trip HAHA. & bought breakfast for my family! Such a sweet girl :-) hehe then met swa to go to town to see the christmas lights & hopefully get intoxicated by the christmas vibe(???) at orchard but NAHHHHH didnt work out. Went to dhouby, then somerset & orchard too. It was so exhausting having to squeeze with the ginormous crowd & also find our way. After the freaking long walk like eternity, we managed to locate four seasons hotel & got to meet debi & yinghui for like 5 seconds. Heard them carol though, the power of AJ choir. But i swear the hotel is so remote and out of nowhere swa & i were raging like mad & our legs ached like 2.4km. We actually took bus 11 (OUR LEGS) there, tedious like crazy. My date with swa is always so erm how do you put it..... unromantic? untypical? that i dont even know whether its a good thing or a bad thing. I mean seriously?!?!?! swimming on christmas eve instead of counting down & eating kopitiam on Christmas & walking miles instead of chilling & joining the massive phototaking sessions at the christmas trees & decos. HAHA we're weird. But i like it weird. <3

Today is boxing day!!!! sadly no presents for me this year cause ive been i bad kid & santa knows it. )-: Nua-ed in bed for the whole morning like some idle pig then met debi for lunch & mini catch up & headed to Bing's for Primary School gathering. I mean we're the ultimate winners already, how many people are still close or in fact even in touch with their childhood buddies? Yep we are!!!! Yeah reminiscing good times, that what we did. & watched Argo, which personally isnt my type of movie, so historical/political & super profound!! We chatted for like hours, about old times & the juciest gossips about our old friends HAHA & epic moments & also found out how much fun the guys had cause they were always getting into trouble while we were teachers' pets, & grades minded. Still im super inferior to them so i couldnt be myself & theres Kurum the joker who left us little space to talk HAHAHA. Afterwards the guys talked about future aspirations and pretty deep stuff, like army & university blah. I need to start brainstorming too & get a hold of my own path.