Hi guys long time no blog! So here I am hiding in my sis's room using the iPad when I'm supposed to start with my homework right now :$
This is just a temporary time table and I'm already THIS tired. What next???
Ok so in conclusion the amk trail sucked I'm sorry that the effort put in was just flushed down the toilet bowl. Try harder next time facils, especially to my class's facil whoever you are.
And so AJ idol is next Monday and we haven't even had one full practice plus some classmates feel forced to sing on stage so this spells trouble seriously I don't know what to do. I mean to think about it I've never auditioned for any event like this before so I'm up quite excited but I wish the whole class was in this thing together :-( plus it's not like I sing damn nice I also thick skin sing along so why not just give it a go ;(
RAHHHHH. hehe past few days was great bonding with my class + guitar practices cool man I'm in the process of improving~~
Ohya by the way my class is such a badass got scolded like twice this week already, eligible to break record I bet hehe but still love my class. People of all walks of life in it but still bonded as a whole I guess ;)
MATH SUCKS and the lkk teacher is horrible so I have to self study now omg someone save me.
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