Saturday, June 23, 2012


Sunday is the worst day when you can have all the fun you want but you know you got to wake up early for school the next day.......... that feeling just sucks. Not that i dread school, i kinda miss school & all my friends & its been long since ive put on my school uniform hahaha.

i think my blog isnt as interesting as other blogs because i dont really type down all my feelings and all because its weird ranting about it on the web, its like putting your heart on your sleeves and everyone can read it. You know why people fear typing out every single love/hate/detail of their lives on their websites? Because there are stereotypes & people judging you everywhere you go. Its true. I know everybody hates people who judge, but cross your heart dont lie to yourself im sure you've judged someone else as well.

On the other hand i love reading other peoples' blogs because its so juicy and im so curious about their lives. Im sure everyone has this super pretty, talented, smart, all rounded friend that you would love to be close to and sometimes you stalk her and all. I always wonder if their lives are as perfect as we think, i would really be curious to know their stories. I love to hear peoples' stories, but most of my friends dont open up to me, i guess maybe its mutual, we tend to keep it to ourselves because its weird to tell someone "hey can you give me 5 minutes" and you start vomitting out all your unhappiness and grudges and everything. All the popular guys & girls have tons of followers and friends, but i wonder if they do have true friends or does all their so called friends only befriend them to be "one of them"

I see tweets about how someone hates their parent/family, someone had a fight with their partners, someone is just emo everyday (urgh) and alot alot of tweets that just lets the whole wide world know what a juvenile person you are. Ive learnt that im responsible for my own happiness, no one in the world is responsible for your happiness, besides yourself of course. So whenever im down and all, its a bonus to have friends & family who cares, but most importantly one must stand on your own feet. My family well, even if they care they wouldnt show it, and my mum sometimes does her job badly as a parent, but what can i ask more to have a shelter over my head, no financial problems and a lovely house, stuff that i want, i may have unlimited wants, and you may say i wish someone was better and all, but be satisfied with your very own life. Because no one can lead your life better than you yourself.

All thes best for your midyears everyone! & thanks for reading this wordy post hehe. xx

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