Saturday, June 15, 2013

Ive been enjoying my holidays like crazy im so screwed for the mycts. unpreparedness overload.
 from the 10th June kept going out like crazy till now and gonna be more outings up next.

11th was me & swa's monthsary, we caught "Now you see me" at the Cathay, its been long since we went to town together hehe & we went shopping but came back empty handed so disappointing. Such a good day we took polaroids!! & ate BFF

12th: Sentosa with the 33/12 girls!!!!
IT WAS MADNESS. SO FUN OMG. Frisbee, volleyball, chubbybunny, picturesque scene and all. throwing each other into the water and the 'protect the king aka dodge ball" game. followed by dinner after that at Asia Kitchen. a fun filled day indeed <3

13th: Junies birthday party at my place HAHAHA function room i meant.
simple celebration, photo taking, running man games, swimming, chubby bunny, song game, pizza and drinks & laughs, alot alot of laughs. :-) miss simple get togethers like this.

14th: Serene's 18th! Had school in the morning, but one of the most fruitful econs lesson + chem consultation ever. Homed with a fried brain, napped, did work then went to play badminton with the girls & dinner with them at Just Acia. Gonna be spending alot of time with them this 2 weeks, their birthdays are so clumped together!!! that means no time to study + money fly away. Really need to have time management woo ying jia >:(

15th: was a finally stay at home day. didnt get alot done though, but i missed my bed & guitar and all. So yup napped and jam-ed alot today. may tmr be a more productive one. Carina's birthday & fathers day tmr, so maybe not HAAHHAHA.

This song is so beautiful. Demons - Imagine Dragons

Sunday, June 9, 2013

now playing : You Found Me

isnt it funny that we grow up and theres too little time too much to do?
but when we were younger we had the time of our lives, we didnt cherish it, we wasted time ( i mean come'on we;re kids) & we had rather limited stuff to do.
Now its like 24 hours isnt even sufficient for me to have a work life balance.
Its just so tough im starting to wonder whether its worth my time hanging in there. & whether im choosing the right path. (im referring to geog) cause GEOG SUCKS. & i have no common sense. like im expected to know all the countries on the world map. but sadly i dont.
Its so annoying that everyone is coping well but im lagging behind
its starting to trigger the inner competitiveness in me (only swa would know)
& its making me such an ugly person deep down like im only doing things to succeed/ for the sake of doing it.
im working doubly hard (i think) but its like the outcome is so uncertain is it even worth the sacrifice of my yolo life?
I see my friends going overseas/ going wild blah on instagram it makes me so envious because i know they can afford to do all that, and still score well, super well in fact. well enough to beat the crap outta me.
Its so annoying i cant even stop ranting about how unfair life is. they say god has plans for you, im really wondering what god has planned for me. & i wanna know right now cause if this isnt the suitable path for me why am i wasting my youth away? Its so crazy now that im 18 things start to not make sense, when ironically it supposed to make sense.
planning for the junie's birthday i realised how old we are now HAHAHHA. & how different all of us are, i wouldnt be able to imagine life in their shoes.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Heres to never growing up

Volunteered to be a facil with the guitar bitches at peying primary today, Camp Pride is the event.
i really miss the primary school life where we could afford to run around and could play our life away. Work was like the least of our worries and other relationships and other complex stuff.
Also the kids were so enthusiastic and keen on learning and participate, i used to do all that too.
keyword: used to. Raise my hands up and answers teacher's questions acting like some goody two shoes cum teachers' pet. Now all i do is to pray that teachers dont pick me. l-o-l
You could afford to be bratty and irritating and disobedient and playful without getting judged or reprimanded (alot) cause well, kids will be kids.
i miss all that.
and the environment i realised.
the colourful blocks of classrooms, nicely decorated notice boards, posters for education purposes, alot of handicrafts and cutesy stuff. oh how i miss all that.
art work pasted all over done by students & the educational messages/ posters , dentist in the school giving out sweets if we dont cry (haha at the irony)
my primary school life was certainly the best.
Being a prefect and my clique of smarty pants and loveable guys&girls. HAHAHAHA the story of our gang's frenemies OMG epic shit. ok long story short. the guys and girls used to hate each other to the core, guys used to bully us and make fun/laugh at us. but secretly they like to hang out with us la. then upper primary i dont know what magic happened, we became inseparable crazy clique.

ya anyway today was really really fun, the kids are so so brave and loveable and hyper and so active. i wish i still had their energy hahaha talking like a oldie.