Sunday, June 9, 2013

now playing : You Found Me

isnt it funny that we grow up and theres too little time too much to do?
but when we were younger we had the time of our lives, we didnt cherish it, we wasted time ( i mean come'on we;re kids) & we had rather limited stuff to do.
Now its like 24 hours isnt even sufficient for me to have a work life balance.
Its just so tough im starting to wonder whether its worth my time hanging in there. & whether im choosing the right path. (im referring to geog) cause GEOG SUCKS. & i have no common sense. like im expected to know all the countries on the world map. but sadly i dont.
Its so annoying that everyone is coping well but im lagging behind
its starting to trigger the inner competitiveness in me (only swa would know)
& its making me such an ugly person deep down like im only doing things to succeed/ for the sake of doing it.
im working doubly hard (i think) but its like the outcome is so uncertain is it even worth the sacrifice of my yolo life?
I see my friends going overseas/ going wild blah on instagram it makes me so envious because i know they can afford to do all that, and still score well, super well in fact. well enough to beat the crap outta me.
Its so annoying i cant even stop ranting about how unfair life is. they say god has plans for you, im really wondering what god has planned for me. & i wanna know right now cause if this isnt the suitable path for me why am i wasting my youth away? Its so crazy now that im 18 things start to not make sense, when ironically it supposed to make sense.
planning for the junie's birthday i realised how old we are now HAHAHHA. & how different all of us are, i wouldnt be able to imagine life in their shoes.

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