Sunday, January 27, 2013

"Its time to begin, isnt it
im getting a little bit bigger
but then i'll admit
im just the same as i was
why wont you understand
im never changing who i am"

what a long week........
guitar lunch @ nebo on wednesday which was super cool & fun :-)
& pizza hut with the girls on fri.
This week was a relatively good one, although geog still sucks as per usual.
Saturday got to spend time with swa for abit then met qd & len @ bugis to get some shopping done & it was a fruitful one YAY!!!! seriously, after you go to bugis you'll realise all the blogshops stuffs are so damn over priced. Got loads of really pretty stuff woohoo!
Then today had a rather productive tuition lesson then met swa to shop at ikea & waste time, then homed!!! 

life is good so far but it can be better. The logic about girls liking bad boys cause the hope to be the reason for them to change for the better kinda make sense, in my case im just being a typical girl who wants to mould him into someone i want him to be? I dont know whether im making any sense but yeah whatever shitz. this is saddening period. need some music right now.

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