Sunday, January 13, 2013


AJ openhouse on friday!!!!

my fav people in AJ <3 

got to mingle with the guitar peeps & future AJ J1s & led mini groups around the school for a "tour", HAHAHA it was really fun for some groups cause the kids so cute. But some abit sian, what to do )-: & got cheated by qd & mingyuan's Sports Club seniors, i thought they were J1s & i offered them a tour & they evilly agreed. Omg cant believe i made a fool out of myself HAHAHA. Epic fail. It was a great experience & i participated in all the mass dances, it was surprisingly fun! :-) all the hidden AJ spirit were aflame. Got to mend the guitar booth while guitarists were performing & watched the performances! Dance was awesome as per usual, always the main spectacle of the show. 
Ate pepper lunch with them all & had a great time, then caught up with erica on the train journey home. Met up with pai because i was really thirsty & dehydrated & was craving for cupwalker hehe. So he came at a short notice to lend me money to buy my fav but unappealing peppermint green tea with aloe vera. & we chatted for quite long, i dont understand why we can click when we're quite different. Promised to be friends forever so he would learn to ride the motorbike or drive a car to ferry me around or to bring me for a spin hehe so cute. 

meetups for xflowerpower & help qd meetup for her shopclothesmoney, DO SUPPORT US ON INSTAGRAM!!
then went home to supposedly mug and complete gp homework, but i was taking my own sweet time and chilling because there was still sunday to complete it. ARGH procrastination at its best. Met my girls for dinner at 2 day 1 night to actually celebrate kelly's birthday, virgin experience there, quite nice!!! ;-) We made alot of noise there & talked like theres no tomorrow, laughed till my tummy ached too, my happy pills. <3

i think we quite cute, you think???? ^-^

Sunday is the stay at home and complete gp day. Had alot to complete which explains why im up at 1.27AM on a Sunday aka monday. Go figure. 

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