Monday, March 18, 2013

I really like the past better than the present
some people try to change the present and forget about the past
but the past is always there in the back of your mind
to haunt you, to guide you

miss the times when i was a kid,
worry free and ever so happy
now that people grow up
we get so distant and awkward
how is that even possible

i miss all those i was once close to
or just somehow acquainted,
sad that i dont see those familiar faces
that now are just my 'friends' on the social networks

miss all the nonsense in secondary school
all the cliques and gossips
punishments and rebelliousness
and all the split up couples, and friends
whom now remain as used-to-bes

im glad that i have a good memory,
remembering all the good times
but sadly the bad ones as well
but it makes my mind a complicated mystery,
which will all unravel one fine day

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