Saturday, May 26, 2012

Cant believe i made it! completed 3km xcountry without walking & it felt real good to run :)
Fri - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL BOOYEAH. had xcountry @ stadium run till marina barrage, woolala. then had the army open house. Frankly speaking the army open house wasnt of any use to me & i was dead beat throughout the open house argh. i was damn sticky and stinky luh ): then went to h&m to shop with qiongdan & lenise woahhhhhhh seriously the clothes there must maintain the stuff sooooo cheap & pretty nuuuuuuuu. Only left with disposable income of $30 this week after buying the ever so common daisy printed skater dress from h&m & a denim blue cotton polo tee for swa. yay best gf award goes to me hehe hope he likes it cause i definitely do. Then went home to bathe then met the co peeps for awhile, it was a kinda fail meeting cause so little people turned up and i only went for a short while. but really missed aaron & joanne, my besties <3 With a perfect note to end my day, met up swa for abit, passed him the lil' present, spent quality time then homed. What a lovely day.

Today, woke up early to practice piano last minute because i havent touch piano for 2 whole weeks, then had lesson, met jiyin @ compass for lunch, we ate macs omg my run did not pay off. )': Then went to my crib to "study" ended up only reading the gp thingy on crime. It was really interesting, some rules & regulations in other countries are really a joke and super ridiculous. A 17 year old girl in a rural & conservative country only recieved a call from her boyfriend and her dad caned her with a large stick and electricuted her to death. SO CRUEL AND WHAT A RIDICULE.
Ok anyway, spent most of our time camwhoring & watching the MJ cheerleading *jealous* & in my opinion seriously huiyi & jiyin dances damn well, no biasness included. although they are my bffs kekeke :-) woohoo another nice day spent. love the weekends!!!!

PS i swear our faces damn retarded cause the app snaps the pic damn slowly :$

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