Saturday, May 19, 2012

Thursday, Friday & Saturday has been nice to me so far, i had consecutive guitar pracs for all 3 days i hope all our hard work will pay off tmr. :$ (keeps fingers crossed)

so thurday met swa for abit after cwo (they made us clean the gym, the pe teacher was so nice to thank us for our effort and nagging at us not to be late again.) ate macs and slacked for awhile, then went home to chiong gpp hehe.

Friday was a good day, but i realised im tired every friday although all i have is 3 lectures for the day. hai i just cant stay awake i keep dozing off ): slept here & there during chem & geog, luckily geog was simple so far but i'll probably have a hard time catching up for chem. Did i mention that i scored 10/30 for chem test & im the 3rd in class heheheh ok my class is lousy la. arts stream mah what do you expect :,( Then after school went for lunch at mos burger with my fellow classmates then supported the AJ bball guys @ toa payoh stadium. IT WAS DAMN BLOODY COOL. whooooooooooooo number 15 is my idol. Number 7,5,6, & 15 were really really good, the rest played superbly as well. whoohoo aj bball <3 Although we lost to HCI but our spirit owned them & i swear tears were stinging my eyes when they bowed to the audience. Bball is such a cool game, the crowd was so agitated my friends and i started swearing & cursing occasionally hehe. Watched the whole game although we were late for guitar heh. Guitar was as per usual....... then met swa for abit again at night! Sorry i keep pms ):

Sat!!!! Woke up super early this morning just for my babyboy, it was so early that there wasnt even any buses available. my first time reaching the bustop this early hahaha i wish i could do the same for school everyday but nah. i walked to whitesands argh stupid buses. Met swa at tamp mrt & chitchat for 30++mins hehe it seemed like a pretty long time though surprisingly. Really miss him now, me is sad. hehe hope he liked my package of love, but hes not replying me i wonder whats happening at his side. Then had guitar prac, it was damn slack hahahaha! we discussed about the seniors farewell & june hols schedules, and our performances so we wasted quite alot of time, not that i mind. After guitar we had lunch @ umi sushi woohoo i love sushi omnomnomnomnom. I hate people who finished their meals but die die occupy the place despite many people surrounding them pressurising them lol. Met jiyin after lunch to go shoppingggggggg! It has been long since we caught up & it was cool. Talked neverending like theres no tmr miss my bff for 10 years wow. Bought super pretty socks from rubi & h&m & a pair of shorts. im still feeling unsatisfied ): & H&M is having a super sale now i need to go there real soon. keke. anyways guys '101 ways to leave a game show' is damn gaoxiao. returned home to do econs, prac guitar, and shall watch love rain soon then maybe revise some vectors if im not tired & off to sleep! Tmr is the day of the concert & im stoked! ;-) wish me luck! xx

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