Thursday, May 17, 2012

Time check:12:27AM (&i just killed an insect :$)

today is my 2nd CWO thursday boo ):

but looking on the bright side, i survived the much dreaded thursday!!!!
dozed off in a few classes, it was a chore trying to stay awake in boring classes like civics, econs and pe briefing omg. Cross Country is next friday omg! why is it compulsary im gonna die. D:
but im happy today there wasnt pe hehe. met swa for dinner @ macs, saw carina on the bus hehe missed her like crazy <3 chat for abit then bade goodbye, on the way home saw huiyi & shihong hahahaha! today is the meet-up-old-friends-day! ;-) so happy to see them! hope to meet up during the june hols because we've been so busy with studies that its depriving us of our social lives boohoo.
been staying up late everyday to chiong gpp, with my best group hahaha! this is our 5th gpp guys........ we damn horrible. hahahaha ok back to work byebye

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