Saturday, March 31, 2012

which means im back to sqaure one with $0 in my piggybank. DANG
this is because........... its my birthday week and i keep eating good food hahaha!
yay so now my intro should be hi im woo ying jia, 17 YEARS OLD!!!! ok sorry lame.
my beloved classmates are so sweet hehehe mwacks to them 33/12 <3
on monday watched hunger games with em and ate pizza hut then met swa for macs at night, then tuesday watched guitar concert at night (some jap zai school) and ate mos burger for dinner, then thurs ate kfc with swa for dinner, and fri went over to his place to study! :D and met him for abit just now for lunch @ kfc kekeke. met him alot this week but it still felt like we havent met for weeks ):
i got scolded todayyyyyyy for piano me is sad......... i cannot do well under pressure the more you reprimand me the more agitated i get and i cant play well. dont you get it?!?!?!?! ARGH
ok yay gonna continue doing some work because ive been slacking. Time flies when im with swa and slows down when im at home doing work ):
Oh friday was a indescribable day because i finally met the whole of swa's family and i even had dinner with them. & i screwed up......... but whats new right? Sian i cant get the fact that im so clumsy i spilled rice on the table THE HECK MAN.

hehe taken on my birthday. this boy just said he love me kekekeke. ok happygirl95.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Today is the worse day of the week. Toot Thursday.
Just ended double math, tutorial and lecture in a row. Asshole teachers all cmi one :-( I know I can't explain so I'm never gonna be a teacher but they're paid to do it, it's their job, they're supposed to be good to benefit us!!! Toot toot toot I cannot believe I rolled my eyes at mrs Ong an she caught me hahahha retarded.
Yay I'm blogging in class right now, next up is econs timed quiz, first 'test' this year, wish me luck! I'm doomed I'm having this bo chap attitude like it's normal to fail so fail then fail lorh. Someone slap me please :-( ok rah gonna do some last min revision now or I'll probably just lie on the table heheh

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Whoops sorry guys im back again, decided to blog again because who knows when i'll be blogging again.
Had a change of plans, ate bbq chicken instead of Seoul Garden because SG was too expensive and i was being a thrifty kid hehe. & auntie too because bbq chicken had a 'buy 2 get 1 free' offer so my family's meal was $35++
Attempted doing math for a little just now, so i completed a few more inequalities questions and im still stuck at vectors. Can anybody be an angel and help me pretty pretty please with cherries on top :-( im desperate. Oh well, gonna go school early tomorrow with erica and we're gonna mug vectors for an hour!
Slacked my day off, watched junior master chef australia, they are so little and so talented im speechless, everytime a kid has to leave i feel so emotional for them like i feel them but not really. i dont know how to explain that feeling la haha! Oh and i watched this show 'The cinderella story-once upon a song' Its a little weird but its not bad cause the songs are nice! Currently watching 'city hunter' now, theres gwangsu!!!! & kim nana is damn pretty la, haiyo unfair. My mama cooked dinner today! though its just sweet potato porridge, but dad dapao veg and otah and made it a 4 course meal hahahah it was good!!!! :D
Love these 2 days, today i spent my afternoon playing guitar and piano with the aircon on my bed, thats life man! This weekend makes me feel like i do have a life. & I realised when im at home time slows down for me but when im outside having fun time sprints way ahead of me damn. What kinda logic is this man.
Hehe anyway 2 more hours & i'll be 17!!!! ohmygosh unbelievable. Cant wait for tmr, FOL - beatbox (honestly i think i only chose that because it was a class thing) and then pizza hut one-for-one and hunger games after that! woohoooo Fun packed day & just nice falls on my birthday keke lucky me!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Days like this ♡

So yesterday was one of those slackish days i get to enjoy once in a while
Had piano in the morning like usual, i keep having no improvements and im getting oh so lazy to practice ): must practice wooyingjia!!!!!!!!!!
then headed to swa's house to study hehehe (: did some chem and math, hope it was fruitful for him but nah i dont think so hehehe. Going to swa's place means alot of good food to eat hehe cause his mama is such a great cook my mama ought to learn tsk. Yeah it was great spending time with him because i really missed him and spending time with him literally would chase all my insecuities and worries away. Hope we could do this everyday but no i shall not be greedy once in a while will do hehe (: As the saying goes 'absence makes the heart fonder' no? it was a great great great day spent, i got home and slacked my day away eating more food and watching telly. im gonna be a couch potato soon.
Woke up early today and completed my chem!!!! Of course without saying i did loads of circling of questions heheh :$ cant help it i just aint smart :-(  Going to eat Seoul Garden for lunch later with my family to precelebrate my birthday!!!!!! :D yay im gonna stuff myself with food later (AND DIE DURING PE) ohya did i mention theres NO PE due to FOL tomorrow AHAHAHAHA HELLYEAH. but that means i will die on thursday. Brownie with vanilla icecream and fried kimchi here i come!! ;-)

Friday, March 23, 2012

only had 3 lectures today and time flew past in a wink.
Felt slightly guilty for reaching home early and not mugging though :X took a nap and watched disney instead keke. Young at heart yo! :D
went to mj to meet lijean regine aaron and shinyee to NAS! met txy, yy, ser and sop on the bus hehe so much of a coincidence! Felt so good to be back at NAS, took pics and talked to teachers and all, most of all got to visit the cds, it feels like home <3 cried a little because of ningxin & yeah missed nasco so much! Yay then the usuals plus a few others went to 201 mac to have supper, i koped shaker fries from pai & hweeyang hehe guilty and sinful woohoo.
Mama and papa and huiyi kept calling me hehehe so i sensed that something was fishy but im so guilty that i didnt really take it to heart and took my sweet time to return home ): Freaking guilty max, the girls planned to surprise me and waited so long for me ):
It was a amazing scene, i reached the swimming pool and i saw the super cozy area decorated with heart shaped balloons plus the lightings at the pool, can you imagine?!?!?!?! Freaking nice ;-) Pity that car, hy, bird & kelly had to leave first ): and we could only have a rush celebration im sad. But im so touched too at the same time because everyone is super tired and busy and still did this for me awwwwwwwww <3 Love them loads, although frankly speaking im a lil upset they felt more excited for hunger games than to celebrate with me ): But maybe if its me i would have felt the same ah. Dang i wish i could redo the whole thing i really wanted to spend more time with them.

my first real flowers from my fav girls <3 I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry i look super cui in the photos, i bet on the birthday photos in tan's cam too dang ):

Friday, March 16, 2012

Just completed binomial tutorial including countless numbers of circles on the question numbers hahaha ):
Had piano this morning at 11 and it was gah. reached home and immediately started work which hyou can probably tell how long 13 questions took me. oh well hahaha, watching the x-factor videos now some are really inspiring and love listening to their life stories ;-)
Ok so here are some pics to sum up these 2 days;
14March was swa's birthday <3 had a simple celebration with him hope he enjoyed it hehe love him to bits.
While 15March was guitar bonding day camp, was quite fun actually. Our group was called the awesome 6, not that i liked it very much, too egoistic hahahaha. We only had 5 members including me so it was good to bond, and loads of fun during captains ball, the paper toss, and last but not least the COURAGE WALK. Freaking fun i swear, i got took away from my group like thrice but that was the fun part i guess! Thank god i was blur and had to stand at last place. HEHE yeah although we spent $10 for packed lunch, while choir had pizza and band had drinks......... hahahaha its alright.

Yeah so let the images do the talking!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Track Meet

So track and field meet was yesterday!!!! IT WAS COOL hehehe unexpectedly.JAGUAR was bloody bonded yay and my class was super cool with the red ribbon weaved in our plaits :-D
we didnt win in the end but its ok, sarah & simin was fast woohoo! yinghui was super brave despite falling down on sucha rough track but still continued running. I would have lay down and cry or something hahahaha. Was a blessing in disguise that my team didnt make it cause it was fun just to watch the whole thing ;)
But the bad news that concluded the day is that yunmin is leaving us for ngeeann poly. Seriously unexpected i wanna cry so badly at that moment ):
So yep holidays are around the corner i wanna go shopping so badly! But theres so so so much work to do arghhhhh. & projects, camp RAH.

 QD's hair (I BRAIDED IT)

my hair (qd's art)

fav pic <3

Lihui & her seductive pose hahahahaha

swag ^-^

erica = too cute already