Saturday, March 24, 2012

Days like this ♡

So yesterday was one of those slackish days i get to enjoy once in a while
Had piano in the morning like usual, i keep having no improvements and im getting oh so lazy to practice ): must practice wooyingjia!!!!!!!!!!
then headed to swa's house to study hehehe (: did some chem and math, hope it was fruitful for him but nah i dont think so hehehe. Going to swa's place means alot of good food to eat hehe cause his mama is such a great cook my mama ought to learn tsk. Yeah it was great spending time with him because i really missed him and spending time with him literally would chase all my insecuities and worries away. Hope we could do this everyday but no i shall not be greedy once in a while will do hehe (: As the saying goes 'absence makes the heart fonder' no? it was a great great great day spent, i got home and slacked my day away eating more food and watching telly. im gonna be a couch potato soon.
Woke up early today and completed my chem!!!! Of course without saying i did loads of circling of questions heheh :$ cant help it i just aint smart :-(  Going to eat Seoul Garden for lunch later with my family to precelebrate my birthday!!!!!! :D yay im gonna stuff myself with food later (AND DIE DURING PE) ohya did i mention theres NO PE due to FOL tomorrow AHAHAHAHA HELLYEAH. but that means i will die on thursday. Brownie with vanilla icecream and fried kimchi here i come!! ;-)

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