Friday, March 9, 2012

Track Meet

So track and field meet was yesterday!!!! IT WAS COOL hehehe unexpectedly.JAGUAR was bloody bonded yay and my class was super cool with the red ribbon weaved in our plaits :-D
we didnt win in the end but its ok, sarah & simin was fast woohoo! yinghui was super brave despite falling down on sucha rough track but still continued running. I would have lay down and cry or something hahahaha. Was a blessing in disguise that my team didnt make it cause it was fun just to watch the whole thing ;)
But the bad news that concluded the day is that yunmin is leaving us for ngeeann poly. Seriously unexpected i wanna cry so badly at that moment ):
So yep holidays are around the corner i wanna go shopping so badly! But theres so so so much work to do arghhhhh. & projects, camp RAH.

 QD's hair (I BRAIDED IT)

my hair (qd's art)

fav pic <3

Lihui & her seductive pose hahahahaha

swag ^-^

erica = too cute already

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