Sunday, March 25, 2012

Whoops sorry guys im back again, decided to blog again because who knows when i'll be blogging again.
Had a change of plans, ate bbq chicken instead of Seoul Garden because SG was too expensive and i was being a thrifty kid hehe. & auntie too because bbq chicken had a 'buy 2 get 1 free' offer so my family's meal was $35++
Attempted doing math for a little just now, so i completed a few more inequalities questions and im still stuck at vectors. Can anybody be an angel and help me pretty pretty please with cherries on top :-( im desperate. Oh well, gonna go school early tomorrow with erica and we're gonna mug vectors for an hour!
Slacked my day off, watched junior master chef australia, they are so little and so talented im speechless, everytime a kid has to leave i feel so emotional for them like i feel them but not really. i dont know how to explain that feeling la haha! Oh and i watched this show 'The cinderella story-once upon a song' Its a little weird but its not bad cause the songs are nice! Currently watching 'city hunter' now, theres gwangsu!!!! & kim nana is damn pretty la, haiyo unfair. My mama cooked dinner today! though its just sweet potato porridge, but dad dapao veg and otah and made it a 4 course meal hahahah it was good!!!! :D
Love these 2 days, today i spent my afternoon playing guitar and piano with the aircon on my bed, thats life man! This weekend makes me feel like i do have a life. & I realised when im at home time slows down for me but when im outside having fun time sprints way ahead of me damn. What kinda logic is this man.
Hehe anyway 2 more hours & i'll be 17!!!! ohmygosh unbelievable. Cant wait for tmr, FOL - beatbox (honestly i think i only chose that because it was a class thing) and then pizza hut one-for-one and hunger games after that! woohoooo Fun packed day & just nice falls on my birthday keke lucky me!

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